
Therapy & Coaching Sessions (for private pay)

  • 55 min child or adult psychotherapy | $175 - $250

  • 2.5 hour adult ketamine therapy | $550



Sensitive Child Therapy Program

Our child therapy and parent coaching program provides a unique individualized and intensive therapeutic process, generally completed over 3 months (with weekly child therapy sessions).

In addition to pay per regular therapy session, we require a one time $1000 program fee per child that includes:

  • Access to the Tuned In parenting course (including 4 x 30 min 1-1 parent coaching calls with our lead parent coach and quarterly community group calls)

  • 15 minutes of parent coaching check ins included at the end of each child therapy session.

  • Mental health assessment and diagnostics (as needed) from a multidisciplinary team approach.

  • Home and school observation visits as needed/requested.

  • Coordination with school staff and other professionals as needed/requested.

  • Superbill for regular therapy sessions to submit for potential out of network insurance reimbursement.

  • Insurance billing for regular therapy sessions for families who are covered by Cigna and United in Denver and Dallas. (We do not otherwise bill through any insurance plans).

We accept HSA cards for all services.

Payment plans for child therapy program fee are available.

Read more about our 12 week therapy process here.

Out of Network Insurance Reimbursement

A superbill can be provided by our team to cover out-of-network healthcare billing. This is a document made for insurance companies that details the services a therapist performed that can be submitted to your insurance company in order to pay patients back for costs spent on mental health care. The amount of money reimbursed to you will depend on if / how much your insurance covers out-of-network services. Many of our clients receive significant amounts of reimbursement in this way!

How to submit your Superbill per major insurance provider: