7 reasons why your family needs to learn TUNED IN parenting…

#1: Highly sensitive children need a different kind of parenting to thrive. If your child had a medical condition, you would see the right specialist and get the information you need to support your child in being as comfortable to grow as possible. It's no different for a highly sensitive child with a unique brain and nervous system makeup...that needs unique support.

#2: The divorce rate of couples with children is painfully high. A sensitive child with unique needs can make those odds even more worrisome. If families don't learn how embrace the needs of each family member and find a flow that works for everyone, the outcome doesn't look good. With that said, learning the right tools to stay regulated and help your child regulate...as well as to enjoy parenting with your spouse again...can be an absolutely game changer.

#3: We're taught or tell ourselves that family should be easy or natural...however it's actually a new skill set to learn and presents a new very massive "project" for parents to guide for their family. It's kind of like running a company. The co-CEOs (aka co-parents) need continued education, exquisite communication patterns, and consistent collaboration to keep the system running well! Choosing an intentional container for 10 weeks to open those channels of learning together and consistent communication on the topic of co-parenting will literally create new neural pathways for healthier patterns to stick around for sustainable happy family life in the long run.

#4: Sensitive kids pick up more than your average child if parents aren't on the same page in parenting and respond with behaviors rooted in stress. This course will get parents back on the same page (and get the polarity of a healthy partnership back online)...as a result you will see your child relax into more safety and trust in you as parents.

#5: We’ve seen the content and experiential processes in this course completely transform many families who visit the Rooted Rhythm practice. They can't even imagine a life without having learned these new skills and healed the outdated patterns that simply weren't working for the family they dreamed of having. It's not uncommon to hear parents say "you saved our marriage and changed our family's life" after going through this journey.

#6: Every behavior a child shows you has an underlying need or desire. Learning to identify the underlying needs or desire and addressing them with ease and love (even when a firm boundary is what is required) is the medicine that will shift the whole family dynamic. Most people never learned how to set boundaries in healthy way. This course will teach you how.

#7: The truth is that there is really nothing wrong with your child. They are just a reflection of the parts of you that you haven't integrated yet...I imagine you agree if you’re here, but its really our job as parents to do our own inner work, so that we stop projecting on our child...and let them enjoy their childhood. This course will lovingly guide you on that journey.

If you’re ready to learn how to be a TUNED in parent, check out our 10 week transformational course or reach out for a free consultation to discuss 1-1 support.


Parenting & Raising A Highly Sensitive Child: 5 Tips to Help Them Thrive
